Friday, 27 May 2011

Banana Bread

Would you like a delicious Banana Bread recipe that you will use over and over again? :)

Here's what you'll need:

  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1/2 cup butter or margarine
  • 1/3 cup of milk with 1 tsp lemon juice
  • 2 eggs
  • approx 1 cup of mashed bananas (I usually just use 3 large bananas mixed in my Magic Bullet)
  • 2 cups of flour
  • 1 tsp of baking soda (forget this and you make "Banana Brick" hehehe)
Then you'll need to:
  • cream together your butter and sugar
  • add the eggs and milk with lemon juice
  • mix in the eggs and bananas
  • slowly add your flour and baking soda
  • pour into a loaf pan, or 8x8 baking dish, doesn't really matter
  • cook at 350F for approx 45 minutes.  If your oven is hot you might want to check it at 35 minutes.
Then you make the topping!! (the BEST part)
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1/3 cup melted butter/margarine
  • 2 tbsp milk
  • 1/3 cup slivered almonds (optional)
  • I like to add a couple tbsp of maple syrup too
After you bake the banana bread, take this delicious sugary mixture and pour it over top - then put it under the broiler for about 5 minutes until it starts to bubble and take it out.
IF you can wait, let it cool, slice it up, and enjoy :)  The topping makes the bread the perfect balance of sweetness and moistness, you don't even have to spread butter on it!! :)

Tuesday, 24 May 2011


Dakota found a 4 leaf clover yesterday, of course it's all wrinkly and dried up now.  But perhaps it'll bring us some good luck anyway :D

As for p90x, I'm back at it!  I restarted the 4th week of my 1st phase (each phase is 4 weeks) last night with Yoga-X.
Tonight will be Core Synergistics!!

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Cabbage Roll Casserole

Do you like cabbage rolls?
I love them!!
But I've never made them myself.  Apparently it's an art lol.
Thanks to my fabulous next door neighbour, I can now make this delicious casserole, and it's just like I'm eating cabbage rolls!
You have to try it! :)

Here's what you'll need;  

  • 1 head of cabbage
  • 2 cups of minute rice
  • 1 can tomato soup
  • 1 can tomato sauce
  • 1 can tomato juice (i think it's a 1liter can of Heinz that I use, but I'm sure they have a store brand)
  • 1-2lbs ground beef (I switch this for ground pork or turkey bc I can’t tolerate red meat)
  • 1 chopped onion (optional)
  • + your own seasonings.
 Then you follow these super-easy steps:

  • Fry ground meat with onion and your choice of seasonings. 
  • Remove tough pieces and core of cabbage, chop the rest and put in a large roasting pan.
  • Add rice, tomato juice-sauce-and soup. 
  • Stir in ground beef mixture and bake at 375 for 1 hour.
YUM! :)

Monday, 2 May 2011

Miles, Points and Rewards - Oh My!

I love earning free things just for buying things I need!
I'm nowhere NEAR as good at this as MrsJanuary - but I still take advantage as much as I can!

In my wallet I have :
There are amazing ways to use some of these cards!  (again - see MrsJanuary)  You can get hundreds of dollars worth of free stuff!

The cards I use the most are Air Miles, HBC, and Shoppers.

I cash in my Shoppers and HBC points during the Holidays for free gifts!

Our Air Miles are much more fun to use!!!
Every year we trade our Air Miles in for free passes for our whole family to the Toronto Zoo and Ontario Place!
We have a blast, and only have to pay for parking (stupid parking fees) because we pack a picnic lunch.

So, we get 2 full days of fun, for free just because when we shop we carry an extra card with us!  Yes, I think I'll suffer the inconvenience of carrying that little card in my wallet!!!  (can you taste the sarcasm?!)

Last year my mom came with us because Dave was (again) in Winnipeg...and yes she is short enough to ride the kids rides!!!

I can't wait to go back this summer!! :)

Do you use rewards cards??

Saturday, 30 April 2011

A Day In the Life of Me

Lots of people have asked me how I "manage" with Dave gone away to Winnipeg for weeks at a time. People don't seem to understand how I can fit it all in to one day and do what needs to get done. 
I think of single parents, and how they must struggle.  At least I get to look forward to someone coming back to help me out in a few weeks.  Though I don't have the luxury of most single parents I know, who have their kids babysat almost every weekend anyway.  I don't live close enough to my family or Dave's family to have free child care *boo*
So I make do. 

I often hear parents of one child...or (god help me) people with no kids - complaining that they don't have TIME to get things done, or they just couldn't get around to doing something because they were so busy.

Ahem...but.... screw you.  Learn to multi-task and get on with it!

Now this doesn't mean if you have one kid or no kids that you aren't good at time management!  I know some people with 6 kids who are better at managing their time than I am, and I know single people who don't even have a spouse who are better than I am. 
This is just how I do it :)

A typical weekday in my house :

  • 6:45am - wake up, get dressed and let Dexter out for a pee so he can stop crossing his little doggy legs.  (trying to NOT disturb Kady who, by 4am, has crawled into bed with me)

  • 7:00am - get Kady's clothes (that were laid out the night before) and bring her downstairs to get dressed and start her first of many bowls of cereal.
  • 7:15 - wake Jeremy and Dakota up.  Their clothes were already put out for them the night before as well.
  • 7:30 - pour a coffee and watch it get cold while I get breakfast for both big kids, and another bowl for miss piggy -er- Kady.

  • 7:45 - make lunches for Dakota and Jeremy if I didn't do it the night before.  And refill Kady's cereal bowl lol.

  • 8:00 - warm my coffee up, make sure Dakota's homework sheets are all signed, and Jeremy's book bag is in order too.
  • 8:15 - brush Dakota's hair into french braids, and help everyone get their things ready to leave.

  • 8:30 - walk the kids to school....sometimes this can be a game for them :oP

  • 9:05 - walk home with Kady. (and sometimes Krista)
  • 9:15 - play outside with Kady (weather permitting) and let Dexter outside again.

  • 10:00 - bring Kady inside for a snack, and to try the potty.
  • 10:15 - turn on Dora (God no....I'm one of THOSE people - I let my kids watch TV!)  And while Kady watches Dora I do the breakfast dishes! Plus if you know Kady, you know she is obsessed with Dora.
  • 10:35 - (Dora is only 20 minutes) pack a cup and some toys and take Kady for a walk.
  • 11:45 (ish) - get home from our walk and make some lunch, and try the potty again.
  • 12:15 - 12:30 - Kady will usually go down for a nap somewhere in this time frame.

  • 12:30 - wash the lunch dishes, sweep and mop the floors in the downstairs bathroom, kitchen, dining room, living room and front hallway, scoop out the kitty litter, wipe down the upstairs bathroom, take Dexter out yet again .....and I can usually find some time for facebook or my blog :) (there is occasionally a day where I do a 90 minute workout while she naps....but that's just once a week so I make adjustments)
  • 2:30 - Kady wakes up (yes, she naps for 2 hours, and I love it) She usually wants a snack and to play outside, and to go on her potty - again!

  • 3:00 - we walk back to the school to get Dakota and Jeremy.
  • 3:20 - get home, and tell Dakota to get her homework done and they both change out of their horrid-don't-get-me-started-on-this-topic- uniforms.
  • 3:45 - Dakota's done her homework, they all have a little snack and if it's nice out - go out to play until dinner.
  • 4:30 - (sometimes earlier depending on what I'm making) I get Kady to help me in the kitchen with some plastic containers or pretend cooking and I make dinner.
  • 5:00 - dinner is normally early for us because of the early bedtime required for Jeremy, and because I have lots to get done after they're ALL in bed!  It just works for us.

  • 5:30 - they're all done eating and apparently dying to go back outside.  However if the weather isn't cooperating, they play in the house instead. And sometimes, only sometimes, they actually get along!!

  • 6:00 - I am able to catch 10 minutes of the news some days, and if they're still getting along I will rinse and stack the dinner dishes so they're easier to do later. And if I'm feeling extra lazy tired, I can just throw all the silverware in a cup full of soapy water and do it in the morning!(Thanks Jade)
  • 6:15 - One kid gets a shower.  I'm pretty much doing separate showers every night.  With Dave gone the days of the 2 big ones having their showers and then Kady getting her little bubble bath are just not happening.
  • 6:45 - Get the kids to help tidy up their toys, and head upstairs to get them ready for bed.
  • 7:00 - Jeremy or Kady change into PJ's  - whoever didn't have their shower I guess.(Kota has a later bedtime so I cut her some slack) and they all brush their teeth.
  • 7:30 - Jeremy's TV is turned off (he's allowed tv in his from from 7-730 every night) and he gets tucked in, while Kady is (yes again) watching Dora and I am getting all 3 kids clothes ready for the next day.
  • 8:00 - Kota gets PJ's, Kady's TV goes off (she refuses to sleep as early as Jeremy does anyway, and it's not her TV, she sleeps in our room)
  • 8:30 - Dakota's TV goes off, Kady should be sleeping, so I get changed and pop in a p90x dvd.

  • 10:00 - I throw a load of laundry in the washer, and wash the dinner dishes as well.
  • 10:20 - I add fabric softener (thanks for getting me hooked on that waste of money mom!) and I set my coffee maker up for the morning.  Then some nights I'll get the kids lunches ready and put them in the fridge.
  • 10:40 - put the clothes into the dryer, head upstairs and shower because p90x = sweating like a porn star.  Yep, I said it.
  • 11:00 - after showering, drying and straightening my hair, I take Dexter out for another bathroom break, and then it's time to get some sleep, until Kady or Jeremy wakes up crying.

So there you have it.  That is how my day usually goes - unless it's Thursday which messes things up a bit because I want to watch Grey's and I'm too cheap for PVR!!!
Having been a stay at home mom, and a working mom, and a mom that went to college and worked at the same time I must say that for ME staying at home full time is the most rewarding and fun.  I won't say the most tiring, or the most difficult, or stressful....I have time to get everything done during the day AND spend time with my kids.  I don't really look forward to the future when I have to try and get all this done while working 8 +hours a day!!!

And now, since it's past my 11:00pm bedtime....goodnight :)

Friday, 22 April 2011

Do You Like Free Stuff?

I sure do!
If you use the internet frequently, you'll like this idea.  It's super simple, and you get "rewarded" for opening your web browser!

It's called SWAGBUCKS and it's fantastic!!

It's a search engine you use in place of Google or Bing etc.  It even comes with a toolbar to make your searches that much easier.  It's not fully of spy ware or viruses, and you get free stuff just for using it!  Honest!!!

I thought for sure it was a scam at first.  Until I saw my "bucks" adding up!

What happens is this:

You sign up at the SITE and are guided through the simple process.

Any search you'd normally use another engine for, use the Swagbucks engine, and you will randomly be rewarded with "bucks"!

They work like real money, and you can buy items from their site with those digital dollars!!

Anything from amazon gift cards to home electronics!

I have used my SwagBucks to buy $10 Starbucks gift cards because it seems I have become addicted to Starbucks, and their coffee is just too expensive for me to buy on a regular basis ~ because ...well...I'm cheap!

It's actually really addictive!  I've gotten more than $50 in Starbucks cards, plus I got $15 in gift cards and used them to buy a DVD and it covered the shipping as well!

I know some people that have earned so much in amazon gift cards that they are buying bikes!
You can even trade your swagbucks for paypal cash!  Yep, that's right!  Put free money right in your bank, just for using the internet :)

So go ahead and try it :)  And get some free stuff!!

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Saving Money With Kids

YES, it IS possible! 
Savings money is always good, and even better when you have kids!!
Here are some great ways to help you keep some money when it comes to kid related things:



  • One of the easiest ways to save money from the start (and it's GREAT for baby) is to breastfeed.  You will literally save yourself hundreds if not thousands of dollars by doing this, plus it's the healthiest thing for both of you!

  • Use cloth diapers!  To start up with them it will only cost you the same amount of money as it would to buy about 2 months worth of disposable diapers!  Honest!  So give it a good try, for 2 months, and if you don't  like it, or it just doesn't suit your lifestyle, then you're not out anything, and you can re-sell the diapers you did buy!  They're not as gross as anyone says, and they're ridiculous easy to use.  Anyone in or around Hamilton should stop in  "Re-Diaper" at "Little Bird" on Ottawa Street North!  They have so many different options, and Anj who works there is a great help!
  • Use second hand clothes!  I'm not too good to put "hand me downs" on my kids.  Some people refuse to let their kids wear anything but brand new clothes ~ and to them I say "Go ahead and waste your money!"  Having 3 children I know how long their clothes can last, and how fast  they outgrow them!  Kady is currently wearing a lot of Dakota's old clothes!  They went through Dakota, then my niece Madison, and now Kady, and they are still in good enough condition to pass back to my newest niece Brooklynn!  Right now I have 10+ Rubbermaid totes in my basement with clothes for all 3 of my kids!  Ranging in size from 3T all the way to 10.  That will literally save me thousands of dollars through the years!
  • School Pictures - one word expensive! I don't order these anymore.  Having 2 kids in school you need to order 2 packages, and they don't give you a discount until you have 3 or more kids in the same school.  Not nice.  Take your kids to WalMart, or The Real Canadian Superstore for portraits!  They are much cheaper, have better background choices, and you don't have to send your girls to school with their hair down for picture day and risk them getting lice! Or better yet, if you're good enough just take the pictures yourself!
  • Speaking of lice - not a topic people want to talk about but let's face it, almost every school has it at some point in the year.  A very inexpensive way to avoid it is Tea Tree Oil!  Add a few drops to your kids shampoo, and apply a drop or two behind their ears or in the "part" of their hair.  It will save you the $30 or so that it costs to buy the "Treatments" and also save you from having to re-wash bedding and stuffed animals etc.

  • Buy a reusable swim diaper.  They're similar to cloth diapers, but for swimming.  You will never have to buy "Little Swimmers" and they come in SUPER cute patterns and colours! Just remember, same as with "Little Swimmers" they're not meant to be absorbent, just to stop solids from entering the water!!

  • Take advantage of free fun programs at your local library!  Our local branch offers all sorts of fun activities for kids in specific age groups and it's educational, so an added bonus!

  • Instead of going to theme parks or any place that charges for admission, take your kids to a nearby garden, playground, water park, or beach.  Bring along a picnic and some balls or Frisbees.  You can have hours of fun without spending money.  And if it's walking or biking distance you will save on fuel too! (which would be nice at $1.34/Litre!!)

  • Birthday Parties ~ So many parents go way overboard with their kids parties.  And oddly enough it's at an age where they will have NO idea and NO appreciation for this.  If your kids are under 5, bake up and decorate your own cake or cupcakes, have them help you!  Cut up some fresh fruit and vegetables, and make up a big platter of sandwiches for friends and family that come over.  Voila, there's your party! Does a 2 year old really need a reception hall rented out with streamers and a clown and to have it catered?  Because if so, that's going to be one "Diva" of a child as they get older, and the parties will just get more expensive with PONIES and LIMOS!  I'm not up for that!  The most expensive birthday we hosted was at a bowling alley when Dakota turned 7, and the nicest thing about it was that I didn't have to do a THING!  But we aren't always going to have the extra money for that, so this year we went back to cupcakes and cake with friends and family, then did the same for Kady's 2nd birthday!

  • Laundry ~ Let's face it, kids make clothes dirty.  Lots of clothes.  So. wash all of your laundry in cold water, and hang it outside or on an indoor drying rack whenever possible.  If you have a "smart meter" for your electricity, only do your washing and/or drying during "off peak" hours.  Doing so will save you 66% or more on your Electrical Bill!!

  • If you happen to have a hobby like sewing or knitting, put it to use for your kids! Make your own hats, scarves, mitts, etc!  Not only will they have super cute, and unique winter wear, but you will spend less then half the retail price of those things!  I'm not lucky enough to have this skill, but a friend of mine does, and she even makes these items to sell!  

These are one of her cute creations!

  • NEVER be afraid to use coupons!!! Coupons should be your best friend for saving money on kids things!  I never used to use them, I always figured "What does $0.50 save me, really?"  Well, really, it adds up!  And 50 cents saved is 50 cents that stays in MY pocket!  There are fabulous ways to use coupons, you just need the right resources to be able to use them all to their full potential.  My cousin-in-law has made this an art.  She is a resource for anyone to use, so if you're interested in saving money on EVERYTHING in life (not just kids!) take a peek at her amazing blog Mrs.January She is the coupon-queen!

These are just a few of my ideas.  Feel free to add your own money saving ideas!!  I hope you're able to use some of these!

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

S'Mores Bars

These are so good, I could probably eat a whole pan of them, in fact, I probably have at some point!

When you're craving that camp-fire classic, but you're not able to have a fire, bake these up!!!  You'll love them!

Here's what you'll need:

  • ¾ cup unsalted butter (I used Becel)
  • 2/3 cup brown sugar
  • ½ cup 2% milk
  • 1 ¼ cups graham cracker crumbs
  • aprx 14 Graham crackers
  • 2 ½ cups semi sweet chocolate chunks/chips
  • 3 cups mini marshmallows
Then all you do is:

  • Grease 9x9 pan, and line with parchment paper.
  • Mix first 4 ingredients in saucepan over med-low heat until well blended.
  • Layer graham crackers, then coat with enough of the mixture to coat them well.
  • Add layer of chocolate chunks/chips, then marshmallows.
  • Repeat the layers ending with marshmallows
  • Bake in 350 F Oven for 15-25 minutes (until well melted)
  • Slice with sharp knife when cool (if you can wait that long lol)



Monday, 18 April 2011

Staying Organized

Staying organized is a tough job when you have a family sometimes.
I love lists, and charts :)
Yup, I'm nerdy like that.  I need lists for groceries and weekly meal planning, and charts for my "jobs" around the house and bills to pay, it just helps!

Here is what the chart on my fridge looks like for housework  :)

As you can see "Dad" has very little listed on there.  It's just easier to write it down for me to do, that way when he's gone away it's not big deal.  I can simply delegate when he is home LOL!!

Do you have a chore chart??  If not, how do you stay organized and decide who does what?

I'm trying to decide when the kids are old enough to do certain chores.... like dishes, sweeping, vacuuming.  What do you all think?

Thursday, 24 March 2011

My FAVOURITE Vegetable Soup Recipe

I have to give credit to Liz for the idea behind this soup because I pretty much just copied her, but it has become a favourite in my house!!!  It's so easy, and very healthy too!  And the chick peas are a great source of protein so you don't have to add any meat to "balance" it out!!

You'll need:
  • 3 carrots, peeled and sliced
  • 2 potatoes , washed peeled & chopped(I dont always use them but they make the soup "heartier" if you're in the mood)
  • 1 small onion chopped as fine as you like
  • 4+ cloves of garlic (yumm) chopped up
  • 1-2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil(evoo)
  • 1/4 tsp curry powder
  • 1 can chick peas, rinsed well and drained
  • handful of any frozen veggies you happen to have!  I like using corn, green beans, broccoli or even fresh celery
  • 1 can of crushed tomatoes
  • 1 carton of vegetable broth (campbells or the store brand)
So you start out by getting a big pot, pour in your EVOO, add garlic and onions and carrots and curry.  Let is sautee for a few minutes while stirring.  Then slowly add your potatoes, chick peas and veggies and then the broth and tomatoes.
Voila!  Let it cook all day :)

It's DELICIOUS served with shredded cheddar cheese on top too!!!  But then I think you can add cheese to just about anything because I LOOOOVE cheese <3

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Fun Ideas for March Break - That Won't Break The Bank!

I'm always looking for fun things to do with my kids when there is a holiday from school.  Unfortunately for them I'm not made of money.  Since I can't afford day-camps or other super exciting things that cost a mortgage payment I'm looking for inexpensive fun things!  I thought I would share my ideas with all of you :)

Bronte Creek Maple Syrup Festival ~
This is close to us.  Located in Burlington at Bronte Creek Provincial Park.  Fun for kids and adults, and only around $16 for admission of one vehicle. You don't have to eat there, you can picnic if the weather is warm enough, but you DO get a free maple syrup candy!!  *yum*
Scavenger Hunt ~
This you can do anywhere!  If it's a cold, snowy, wet or just plain yucky March Break, you can even do this indoors!  Take various items from your house, or from your kids rooms and hide them away!  Write all the items down (or put pictures of what they need to find for kids that can't read yet) and off they go!  I like this idea because it's not just for March Break, it's for any day your kids have lots of energy and you just don't have the time to run around with them!  Plus it makes them feel like they're sneaky spies, you can even let them wear disguises etc for fun!

Around here rec-centres are very inexpensive.  And they offer the chance to go swimming while it's still freezing cold outside!
Again, free, and again not just for march break.  But lots of places still have lots of snow right now!  Take advantage of it and go sliding down some hills!  It won't be around much longer!

Make Bird Feeders~
This one will cost you a little bit for the bird seed, but if you go to Bulk Barn it's pretty cheap!  The old "Peanut Butter Pine Cone" is a classic and easy bird feeder to make with your kids.  And if you have children under 2 you can use "Golden Pea Butter"  which is like "fake peanut butter".  I have it for school lunches since they have to be "nut free"!

Go Feed the Birds! ~
A continuation from the last idea of course, but it will still be fun!  Wear some rubber boots if it's muddy!  Here we are close to the Royal Botanical Gardens which is a great place to go feed birds and chipmunks and squirrels!  It's a nice walk on nature trails and gets you out of the house and lets the kids see their bird feeders in action!

Not all kids are into baking so this isn't for everyone.  But odds are most kids are into the results of baking!!  Choose a simple recipe like peanut butter cookies!  3 ingredients!  1 egg, 1/2 cup of sugar, 1 cup peanut butter! Mix it up, bake it up and voila!

Visit a Library~
Free!  Most libraries have a children's section that is littered with toys and fun activities!  This makes for a fun afternoon and you can also check out some books of movies for yourself while there!!

Friday, 11 March 2011

10 Changes I Made to Lose Weight.

So I've had 3 kids.  And during the summer of 2009 when Kady was only a few months old I made a promise to myself that I would get back to my "pre-baby" weight.  Not just "pre-Kady"  but ALL babies.  You see I happened to walk passed a store on Ottawa Street and saw some girl in the window and turned around because it looked like she was walking prettttttttty close to me.  When I turned and saw no one, and realized that chunky girl was ME...that's when I made that promise to myself.
I realize you can't just diet and lose weight, it doesn't work.  You really do have to change the way you are ~ your lifestyle, otherwise the weight will just come back.
I am more active now than I have been since high school :)
So here are 10 things that I've changed in my life that have helped me lost 29lbs! :)  And the list doesn't include spending a fortune on a gym membership by the way!

  1. Eat breakfast.  Yes I used to preach about how it's the most important meal of the day, but there were so many days where I just didn't bother.  Really, eat it!  Some mornings I even just have a great big bowl of sugary cereal with the kids!!  (it's whole grain you know!)
  2. Walk - walk - walk.  Some people don't realize just how lazy we've all become.  Driving your car should be a luxury.  If your destination is a 5 minute drive...MAYBE you should resist plunking your butt down in that car and walk there!  Unless it's miserably raining or too cold for me to breathe, I walk the kids to school and go on at least 1 walk a day with Kady in her stroller.
  3. Find a Friend!  Odds are if you have someone to be active WITH you will stick with it longer than if you do it alone!
  4. Control your portions.  It's hard.  It's REALLLLLY hard sometimes.  I find this one to be one of the harder changes because I really love food.  Sometimes I fail completely ~ like the other night when Dave brought me a cheesecake because I was ...well PMS-ing.  Kady and I shared the entire thing :(  Which brings me to my next change:
  5. Don't Give Up.  If you eat an entire bag of M&M's or a whole cheesecake it's NOT the end of the world.  It's ONE meal out of ONE day.  There's 6 more of them in the week you know ;)  I used to fail for this reason a lot.  Eat a big feast one day and think "Screw it, I already messed up"  and then I'd pig out for a week!  Just get passed the fact and continue eating healthy!
  6. Shop the Outside Aisles of the Grocery Store!!  Or at least focus 99% of your attention there!  They keep all the processed and convenience food on the inside aisles.  I still DO buy boxed and processed things, but nowhere NEAR the amount that I used to!  Cooking takes a bit more effort, but it's usually a lot tastier, and healthier too!
  7. Take Advantage of Parks.  I have seen people do this on "Bulging Brides" or "Last 10 lbs Boot Camp"  Now I don't use PARKS really, but I definitely take advantage of living very close to the Niagara Escarpment!  I go up and down the stairs on them at least 3-4 times a week! You don't have to be a pro-star, you don't have to run.  Just MOVE :) 
  8. Drink lots of water.  Not only is it good for your skin, and helps you digest your food better, but a lot of people are unaware that what they "think" is hunger is actually thirst!!  If you want a snack at 3pm grab a big glass of water first and then see if you're still "hungry" 10 minutes later :)
  9. Play! (if you have kids this is much easier) Run around and play with your kids.  Enjoy them while they are little and still want you around!  Your dishes will be there after they go to bed!  Run and jump and take them swimming!  It makes you feel young again!
  10. Don't Eat Like Your Husband!  Men are physically able to burn fat more easily than women.  Therefore when your hubby is wolfing down a bag of Doritos before bed, resist the urge and don't eat a bag yourself!
I heard someone on TV say "I'd rather be fat and happy than dieting and miserable"  And I realized that .... I'm not happy when I'm overweight. I'm not comfortable with myself.  I get embarrassed to wear my bathing suit or even tank tops and shorts sometimes.  And I want to be able to run around and be active with my kids for years, and THEIR kids too.  So I thought of my future.  I've had problems with my heart after I had Jeremy, and horrible asthma that's not well controlled... so for me it's a matter of health and quality of life to get and stay in shape :)

There are lots of other little things that we have changed as a family to be healthier, but we are always looking for more ideas.
How do you stay healthy and in shape?

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Easy and Yummy Dinner Ideas :)

Since I'm hoping to generate enough traffic to get revenue from ads being on here I figured I might as well try to write things that are useful as well as just entertaining (like my life is THAT entertaining lol)

I get a lot of people telling me my dinners sound delish, so here are some great and quick dinner ideas that always go over well in my house :)

  • Chili - we use ground turkey or pork because I can't tolerate red meat. But just throw whatever you have into it!  I've recently been told adding dark CHOCOLATE makes it super tasty!  And if you cook up your meat early in the day you just throw it all in the crock pot/slow cooker and dinner cooks itself all day!
  • Cheesy Chicken & Broccoli Casserole - this is a FAVOURITE here.  It's ridiculously easy.  If you don't have leftover chicken breasts just cook some up and chop it into bite sized pieces. 
You'll need:
2 cups chopped cooked chicken,
2 tsp chicken bouillon
1 can cream mushroom soup
1 cup long grain rice
1 cup (i use way more) shredded cheddar cheese
sprinkle of onion salta and garlic powder
1 bag (about 10oz) of frozen broccoli
3 cups of water.
Throw it all in the crock pot on low for about 5 hours.  YUM :)
  • Sweet & Spicy Pork Tenderloin  - just add a can of cranberry sauce (jellied) and a jar of chili sauce (like Heinz or something)  to the crock pot with a pork tenderloin.  Let it cook on low for about 3-4 hours and its GREAT with rice and veggies or mashed potatoes and veggies :)
  • Tacos! - we forgot about tacos for a long time, and with my "no red meat" they just didn't sound appetizing.  But now I we use ground turkey or pork and they're delicious! 
  • Homemade Mac & Cheese - not as hard as I thought.  Just cook your pasta, while it's cooking make up a cheese sauce!  Butter in the saucepan, add equal parts of flour when its melted and whisk like crazy for about 2 minutes, then add milk while still whisking until it's nice and thick, then comes the cheese.  You can use shredded cheese or cheese whiz.  Whatever you like.  Drain your pasta, pour on the cheese sauce and voila.  It's nothing fancy, but it tastes better than what's in the box!!!

I'll write up some more when little MISS has her nap, right now I'm being asked for lunch, and of course some play time :)

What are YOUR quick and easy dinner ideas??

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

A New Start

So,  I've found this place.  I can now write about things going on with my family and have a place to come look back and read about different memories :)
How nice.

 I'm not looking forward to the end of the month at all.  It's hard when I'm alone.  The kids are miserable, and I'm stressed trying to do the work of a single mom.  I really do wish I had family that lived closer to be able to help me out with my kids once in a while!!!
But we'll get things figured out.
When I'm "married-single mom" I am going to sign Jeremy and Dakota up for t-ball and softball.  That will give them something to do!  I can't wait until we have the MONEY to put them into something REAL.  Dakota wants to do gymnastics, and Jeremy wants to do soccer and hockey.  But we have no money for it.  That needs to change.

Since Kady and I are here all day together and the weather is nicer now, we're going to go out for another walk around the block today.  I like letting her toddle along the sidewalk looking at all the houses and animals etc. 
Can't WAIT to move so she has a quiet street to play on.
4 more years, and then we're either back in Rosedale, or up on the mountain!!  That's our goal :)

Time for that walk :)